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Coming Soon: Dolphin on Steam!

We are pleased to announce our great experiment - Dolphin is coming to Steam! Our store page is now live, and you can visit it with the handy widget below. However, due to how Steam works, you won't be able to download the emulator through Steam just yet. Feel free to wishlist us to be notified when Dolphin is available to download on Steam!

When we launch on Steam, we'll have a feature article detailing the process and features of the Steam release. We're pleased to finally tell the world of our experiment. This has been the product of many months of work, and we look forward to getting it into users' hands soon!

Gellir parhau'r drafodaeth yn edyn fforwm yr erthygl hon.

Cofnod nesaf

Cofnod diwethaf

Cofnodau tebyg