Archives week 48 of 2014

1 Rhagfyr 2014 - 7 Rhagfyr 2014

Dolphin Progress Report: November 2014


When working on an emulator, a feature never really feels finished. Last month, crudelios triumphed with his new software bounding box implementation. It was easily the most accurate implementation of the feature to date. A few months before that, magumagu created more accurate disc timings to make games load more accurately. RachelBryk has been steadily adding features for TASing for years. Perhaps a longer term, more general project is Sonicadvance1's continued work on Dolphin's ARM port which is always receiving updates.

All of those …

Parhau i ddarllen

Gellir parhau'r drafodaeth yn edyn fforwm yr erthygl hon.

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